Thursday, 23 October 2014

More tips on losing weight the healthy way

Alright it’s time again for more great ideas on health, at least I think so. What I’m trying to do on this blog is to pull together concepts I have studied over the years that have kept me and many others fairly healthy. Personally I hardly get sick (ill) and I think I owe that to a strong immune system. You see we are not supposed to pick up every flu or contagious disease that passes around. Have you ever wondered why some people can be around others with diseases and everyone else gets sick except them? Simple, they have a strong immune system that is able to fight it off. Do you know that not everyone will get HIV/AIDS or even Ebola? That’s right and that for the same reason.
Well that was my preamble or my ramble for today.

I really want to continue what we started last time on loosing weight; let’s give you more tips re your diet, not dieting. But you say I already know enough about eating well. Yes but it is always good to add to your knowledge; never think you already know enough about anything for that matter. As I mentioned earlier I still keep researching any thing I can find on health. And so should you, and do it critically though. Remember the good book tells us that there is wisdom in the multitude of counsel, meaning get more than one source for your advice.

Firstly, what is food and why do we need it or what is its purpose to us? Food is primarily used to nourish the body when we eat it to maintain proper bodily function. It can also be used for medicine, as a stimulant or for calming us down. One Greek philosopher said Let food be your medicine and medicine your food. It is also used for pleasure otherwise we may not desire it so much. We get hungry when we smell something with an appealing aroma, even if we are not hungry at the time. Off course when we are hungry we will eat almost anything even if it doesn’t taste good, right… (Chinese?) Hey that’s an inside joke, I love Chinese food. Another reason for eating is comfort. This should be the last reason we eat. In fact I don’t think it should be one at all. This should result as a fringe benefit of our meals. If you do it for this reason you will want it every time you are down and you know what that will cause…

If you are in my country, Trinidad and Tobago or have been following our news, you will have heard about Dr Wayne Kublalsingh and his hunger strike going on now. He is now on day 36, wow. Did you also hear about R. Maharaj who tried to counter him with his own hunger strike? He did not last more than 5 days before collapsing and decided to stop. My point is Dr W. K. has more resolve than the other guy. He does not need food to comfort him. The good book also quotes Jesus saying “my meat is to do the will of the Father in heaven…” when the disciples wanted him to eat.
Off course we know that if we do not eat we will slowly lose weight and eventually die. But this is actually the most radical and efficient way to lose the weight fast, but only if you have the determination and want to. It is called fasting, not hunger strike; there is a difference. Fasting is done with prayer and meditation with the purpose of improving a situation or yourself. A hunger strike is done to fight a cause that can lead to the detriment of the body. It is not done with health in mind. I did not plan to discuss this today but if you can do it, it is very beneficial and has helped many to even rid them selves of certain diseases. However it MUST be done with water, and for no more than 40 to 60 days. After that you are looking at death if you have not already injured yourself after day 40. We will discuss that on another post. You can still send me questions on it if you want. In fact that would be beneficial so I can be better prepared to address your concerns around the issue. Anyway here are two videos from youtube that should be interesting. One is from Activebeat talking about a few weight loss foods and the other, well just watch. It's from Natural Health Sherpa. Tell me what you think of them.

Here some more tips on nutrition to lose weight:
-   Have at least 3 to 4 hour intervals between meals. Sorry, no more snacking if you want to lose weight for good health. Let me explain. The stomach takes that much time and more to digest food. I think the heart, the stomach and the eyes are the hardest working organs in our bodies. The stomach is made up of muscle that needs rest like any other. Meals containing meat take even longer; that’s why we burp or belch. I can’t remember the last time I did that. If we put food on top of food, you encourage fermentation which is what causes the burping and later on flatulence (farts!). This fermentation is when the food spoils inside of you. It is 96 plus degrees F in there so if it takes too long to digest it will spoil. This can lead to disease especially in the small intestines and colon. No wonder some of us smell when we go off!
-   The first thing we should put in our mouths when we in the morning should be pure water, as much as you can manage. Later on during the day drink at least one glass a half an hour before your meal. Never drink anything while there is food in your stomach, except for very dry foods and even then only small sips are necessary. If you have the time, eat citrus fruits like orange, grapefruit or apples and /or grapes half an hour to 45 minutes after that. Never eat your regular meal until an hour after that because of what we just discussed. I should be talking about what a meal should consist of next time among other things.

Well, those are some ideas you can try. It may be tough but it’s doable It is something you can get used to. Remember to send a comment or question about our topic. 


1 comment:

  1. Yes we are losing the weight faster this time... Tell me what you think.
