Thursday, 30 October 2014

Tips towards a proper diet (proper eating habits)


What really is a healthy meal and one that you would want to eat if you see it? Now as I said earlier when we are really hungry we will eat almost anything. You may have heard the phrase ‘eat something.’ Now when people say that some mean it in a good way but I think most of us really mean ‘anything’ and that’s because we have not been taught or have not taken the time out to research the subject. Again a lot has to do with the food industry (sorry to hit them again, or not). Biology being one of my favorite subjects in secondary school, I came across much to do with nutrition from an early age. And even so maybe because of peer-pressure and the media, I still ate junk for a few years after leaving school.
I may seem to be off the point a bit but humour me a while.

 Eye opener to health

I think my eyes probably began to open when I went to a hospital in Miami, Florida years ago. While walking around, I came across a gentleman who was lying on a bed, wheezing loudly. He had tubes through his nose or something like that and I.V.’s stuck in his body. I just remember it to be an awful sight. When I enquired what he had, the nurse told me it was cancer. At the time I didn’t know this disease could be so devastating. I never forgot that image.
Other things contributed to guiding me in the direction of studying health but we will discuss them later.
I hope you have not lost your appetite because we are talking about food.
Anyway back to our point. Remember the purpose of food is to nourish our bodies as well as please, cleanse, medicate, stimulate and/or calm us (not just comfort). So what I want to do is give you what the average person, who is not on the advice of a doctor, like someone with diabetes or so, should eat. Now as we spoke before if you eat correctly you should lose weight if that is your problem or even gain it if it is low. Obviously some meals can be tailor-made to address these concerns. That I should talk about later on another post.

No more diets
Eating properly could be difficult for some who are used to the wrong diet. Some ask if they can revert to their former meals when they lose the weight or get well. But I’m sorry; you should realize it was that way of eating that got you to this condition in the first place. Many of us know about ‘yo-yo dieting’ where persons after losing the weight put it back on again. Remember, healthy eating is a mind set. Some tell me they don’t want to eat ‘a set-a bush like a cow or fruits like a bird.’ Do you know these animals when they are in the wild or are fed properly hardly get sick? But we who should be the more advanced human beings are much sicker than they. Okay I’ll stop rambling for now. It’s just so heart-breaking to see so many sick (ill) people for the simplest and often reversible reasons.

Lets begin with a suggested ‘diet’ plan for you – remember it’s not about dieting.

Categories of food we must eat (according to
-         Carbohydrate, protein and (good) fats.
-         vegetables, fruits, nuts, grains, seeds, beans and legumes


Let's start with breakfast and even before that.
I mentioned in a previous post about drinking water when you get up as the first thing you ingest. This tends to not only re-hydrate the body but also helps clean the stomach which is full of crud or residue from yesterday’s meals. It needs cleaning just as your house does. Putting a teaspoon of lemon or lime into it is also very beneficial in terms of alkalizing the body, all part of detoxification. You can also use apple cider vinegar. There is a popular recommendation about drinking up to four glasses (6 – 8 ounces) at that time to rid yourself of certain diseases, but I am not to aware of how it works. It sounds good because water is a cleanser. But don’t force yourself if it is difficult. Do it over time.
A half an hour after this you should take any type of citrus like orange, grapefruit, pineapple or cherries. Notice I did not say juice; the sugar in it is really what makes it acid and an enemy to your body, (don’t worry you can wean yourself off of it in time). Many other fruits are also what are called sub-acid e.g. apples, grapes and strawberries. A half-hour to an hour later you need to have what are called alkaline fruits like bananas, mangoes or paw-paw. Now you should not mix alkaline with acid fruits but sub acids can mix with either group. For example apples can be eaten at the same time as oranges or they can also mix with bananas. This is part of a concept called food combinations which I will continue on another post. In addition never mix watermelon with anything. Either eat them by them selves or not at all. This is because they digest faster than most foods so if they are eaten with anything else they will stay and spoil and ferment, waiting for the other foods to digest which leads to a slow poisoning of the system. This is a small insight into how diseases begin inside you, so take note. I am not sure what food group watermelons fall into but I know they do have vitamin C. 

Yes, that is the idea of a proper breakfast, especially for those who want to lose weight. Tell me what you think. Next time I should be talking about a possible second breakfast (if that one was not filling enough) and maybe what is a proper lunch and dinner. Keep sending your comments or questions to me. And tell your friends about the blog whatever size they are. Remember it’s not just about losing weight but about being healthy, then the weight will automatically adjust to the proper amount.


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