Saturday, 11 October 2014

jumping out the blocks to your good health

Ok guys, let’s continue our talk about health.

A friend recently told me that my title makes them feel guilty, in that it reminds them that they need to become healthy. Do you feel this way too? I’m sorry (or maybe I’m not). If it’s any consolation, this blog is for me too. I have some things to change as well; I think we all do. I thought about changing the title (...still thinking…) but for now it stays.

So let’s get started. What is good health or being healthy? In order to get it we obviously must first know what it is. Most of us think we know; we think that we need to diet to loose that extra weight. If we see or think of a friend who has the flu or diabetes or heart problem or…, we may say they are not healthy.

What about the last time you did some structured exercise, by that I mean a regular schedule of jogging and resistance (weight training) exercise? Some of you may say “I don’t want to get muscles” but did you know that resistance training is necessary for good health? Later on we will discuss this topic.

What about those veggies your mom used to force you to eat when you were small and you want no part of them now? And that rest you know you need but you tell yourself you are not tired now (or so you think). When last have you gone to the doctor for a regular all-round checkup? I can hear the guilty consciences throbbing now.

All these are just a part of a healthy lifestyle, yes there is more.

According to Wikipedia, The World Health Organization (WHO) defined health in its broader sense in 1946 as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.” Some have a problem with the word complete. What about you? Are we still healthy if ours is not “complete?” There have been other definitions, including one that correlates health and personal satisfaction.

Again Wikipedia tells us that apart from health care interventions and a person's surroundings, a number of other factors are known to influence our health status, including our background, lifestyle, and economic, social conditions, and spirituality. That’s a big one for me. I’ll tell you why in another post.
 I can see some of you getting bored but there is a lot of interesting and life-changing stuff yet to come. It may even mean you avoiding some debilitating disease in the future. You may say “Boy, Patrick is really sure of himself!” I may not be an expert but you see it has worked and is still working for me and many others, so I know it can work for you too. So check out these pictures and then we’ll continue chatting. I’m actually enjoying this. I like this first one. I know you ladies will love the second one.

I hope you liked those images.
What I plan to do as we go along is to show you what I think good health is and certain ways that we can achieve it for ourselves and even others.

Earlier we mentioned things like diet, exercise, spirituality and environment. These are some of the topics we will discuss as we go along. We will touch on issues like stress – a biggy in today’s world and personal and psychological satisfaction (also called emotional quotient) and ways to get it. But I will try to make them as interesting and inviting as possible in ways that will make you want to get involved. I am not trying to sell you any product or do anything that benefits me except the satisfaction of knowing that you tried it and it worked.

Our health is not just physical but since we as human beings as multifaceted, every one of those facets must be in proper working order for all-round good health. As I said in my first post, let’s not wait until we feel sick or we get the latest bug passing around or the doctor tells us we have something to do something about it. As the old saying goes “An once of prevention is better than a pound (and in these days, a ton) of cure,” especially with diseases like AIDS and Ebola around! Wooo, did I scare you? I hope so, to get up and do something!

P.S. Did you know there are some people whose resistance is so high that they can get the HIV virus in there system and not get AIDS? Look out for that discussion sometime later. 

And send me some comments or questions or you can email me. Thanks for viewing my posts guys. 


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